#BREAKING DHS is resuming the CHNV parole program after it was paused due to fraud discovered in the sponsorship process—The program allows for 30k migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to fly directly into the county each month. “DHS is resuming the issuance of new Advance Travel Authorizations and will closely monitor how this new process is operating moving forward…” The agency says they have enhanced vesting measures which include: •Further scrutiny of supporters’ financial records and criminal background •Additional vetting to identify fraudulent supporter profiles, and bolstered review methods to identify serial filing trends. •Fingerprints are now required from U.S.-based supporters. Chairman of @HomelandGOP @RepMarkGreen says, “My Committee has engaged with the department since this pause was announced, and the results were sobering. Instead of scrapping the clearly flawed program, the department is allowing it to continue without rooting out the fraud or putting adequate safeguards in place to prevent exploitation by sponsors here in the United States.” https://mailchi.mp/chsrep/chairman-green-welcomes-new-members-to-committee-on-homeland-security-for-118th-congress-4903253?e=c395840064
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