WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW. A BLESSING RECITED LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE On October 7, Amichai Shindler heard the terrorists outside his home in Kibbutz Kerem Shalom and rushed his family into the safe room. When the Hamas terrorists failed to breach the safe room, they threw an explosive device at the door. Amichai shielded his family and absorbed the blast’s full force. As a result, his right forearm was blown off, his left hand was severely damaged, and he sustained injuries to his face and jaw. He fought for his life until medical personnel could get to him and thank God he survived. WATCH as Amichai recited the “Shehechayanu” blessing, thanking God for keeping him alive, while lighting the first Chanukah candle. May Amichai’s example impact the way all of us recite this blessing in the future!
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