The woman who Sieg Heil’d at the Montreal protests was identified as Mai Abdullhadi, but not before there was an entire Twitter storm accusing her of being a “Zionist plant,” an “undercover Jew,” and a “paid Zionist agent” sent to cause trouble and demonize protests. They then discovered she was not a plant, that her actions were an authentic representation of her own beliefs, and that this movement is in fact—as we have consistently reinforced over the past year—riddled with Neo-Nazis and antisemites who do not care about freeing Palestine. What will they do when they find out their “collective liberation” alliance doesn’t care about liberation and just wants to end Jewish statehood? It’s almost like they believed the entire world actually cared this much about Middle Eastern/SWANA people. That’s cute. Let me know when that happens and I’ll let Iranians & Afghans know the worldwide push for their freedom has been rescheduled from the 25th of Nevuary to now.
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