Let’s look at all the logical leaps that had to be assumed for anyone to believe this junk science: 1. That 97.5% of “Judaics” in Israel submitted to this test 2. That those people are collectively referred to as “Judaics” 3. That there is such thing as “Hebrew DNA” 4. That “Judaics” have “absolutely none of it” (technically true since nobody does) 5. That the existence of “Hebrew DNA” equates to being a “Semite” (setting aside that there is no such thing as Hebrew DNA, Semite is just a term used to describe those who spoke the Semitic languages: Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic). 6. That being a “Semite” equates to having “blood ties to the land of Palestine” (it does not, genetic Arabs speak Arabic, a Semitic language, and are from the Arabian Peninsula with no ties to Palestine. Palestinians have Arab admixture in their DNA from the Arab conquests and subsequent settlements of the 7th century, but today’s Arabs in UAE or Saudi for example speak a Semitic language but have no ties to Palestine). And finally, and best of all, 7. That 80% of Palestinians have this imaginary “Hebrew DNA,” making them…Jews 😑 Anyway, the study’s author has since refuted the study, although I’m not sure that was necessary given that “Hebrew DNA” was pretty self-refuting.
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