The reason the radical left do not allow their ideas to come into question is because impeachment will lead to loss of power. I’ll explain. People inherently understand that truth withstands the crucible of cross examination. No matter how rough, it always survives interrogation. Therefore, though it may make us uncomfortable, we are not afraid to submit truth to questioning. Conversely, one who understands that they have no truth, half truth, or some truth, fears submitting their ideology to the crucible of cross examination for exposure of the entire or partial untruth of it. This degrades the power position of the proponent. This is why the extreme left (like the extreme right, and the extreme anything) do not permit their ideas to come into question, and the suppression of dissent is secured by shame through the charge of “ists and phobes.” Because an ‘ist or a ‘phobe is the worst thing you can be, this creates a chilling effect and society learns not to ask questions. The extreme left successfully secure their narrative. Take any leftist issue and you’ll see this to be true. Let’s take the trans issue for example. If one were to argue: those who feel from very early on that they were born in the wrong body and have survived all tests for psychosis and have become absolutely certain over a period of time that their choice to transition is right for them, they should be supported by society in their decision to transition. On the other hand, should we not consider how the issue of trans women in sports negatively impacts biological women because of unfair competition when male and female categories were devised to protect against this very thing, therefore rendering this protective mechanism effectively redundant? The answer, if one were to be as fair and moral as possible, is yes and yes. This questioning would therefore expose a partial strength and partial weakness of the left’s narrative. It would likely come out this way with the majority of positions submitted to scrutiny. On balance, then, the left’s narrative will have gone from completely unquestioned and completely true—securing the position of society’s dominant narrative—to somewhat true but with limitations, weakening its standing and leading to corrosion of power. In the end, then, all extremes are just a bid for power, and that power can only be enjoyed so long as the extreme is never called into question. That’s why you cannot question it.
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