THIS IS A MASTERCLASS. WELKER: You support deporting millions of people? RUBIO: Yes. This is mass migration to the tune of 20, 30 unvetted people. Nobody allows this. 10 million in just the last 3 years. WELKER: Ok, but in the past, you said you disagreed with mass deportations. RUBIO: Because the issue has completely changed since 2013. It went from 11 million to that number in the last 3 year alone. Criminals, terrorists. An invasion. WELKER: And of course, Democrats tried to solve this with a bipartisan bill for the border, but Republicans walked away from it. But let me move on- RUBIO: -No, no, no, we can't move on. That bill created asylum officers who can give people asylum right on the border without any appeal, giving them a path to citizenship. WELKER: Some Republicans said they liked it. RUBIO: Which? Which ones? WELKER: Lindsey Graham. RUBIO: Well, I disagree. I'm not in favor of these asylum officers doing this. H/t @DefiyantlyFree
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