This is exactly what Hamas wanted. Hamas wanted Israel to be accused of genocide so that its own genocide of Jews would be overlooked, so that it could finally prove that the Jews did to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to them, as all critics of Israel have chirped with hyperbole since 1948. Hamas wanted to totally dehumanize Jews on October 7, to obliterate bodies beyond recognition, and burn down entire villages. Hamas wanted to eradicate Jewish history in the homeland of Israel and beyond. Hamas wanted the world to forget that the Jews could ever be victims, while subjecting us to the worst atrocities – so brutal that people refuse to believe they even took place. If the Jews are capable of genocide then Hitler was right, etc. This is exactly what Hamas wanted all along. It's older than Hamas. It goes all the way back to the Grand Mufti's alliance with Adolf Hitler, and the fledgling seeds of Palestinian Nazism almost 100 years ago. The Nazis are long gone, but groups such as Hamas picked up where they left off, and true to form the international courts are also overlooking the annihilation of Jews in favor of some warped sense of moral high ground. History has a way of repeating itself. The cycles seem to be getting shorter. And as was the case before, this will have ramifications for the rest of the free world. Just you wait.
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