Islamic societies throughout history have at best tolerated religious minorities until they decide to no longer tolerate them. This pattern has repeatedly occurred in countless countries. Religious minorities have to accept their status as dhimmis (third-class lowlifes). Islam then "protects" the dhimmis due to its "magnanimity and tolerance." In no Islamic society, can the rulers be non-Muslims. The non-Muslims must know their place and must be thankful that their overlords are "protecting" them. "Be thankful that we don't kill you, Jew." "Appreciate that we let you breathe, Jew." Hence, the state of Israel cannot be tolerated in that region because it violates the most fundamental canonical tenets of the Noble Faith of Love. Jews can be tolerated as long as they are not more powerful than us. Imagine that you have a boxing match but you are never allowed to win. You can box but make sure that you always lose. Otherwise, we will continue to box until the natural order is restored. This is literally what happened with my brother's Judo career in Lebanon. It is eternal. This is why the region is now almost fully free of non-Muslims. Save this post.
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