BREAKING: 1. We appear to be on the brink of WWIII. 2. Congress is set to go on recess for Thanksgiving. 3. We’ve heard nothing from the POTUS 4. Offensive exchanges of provocative & sophisticated nuclear capable weapons have occurred between Ukraine and Russia. 5. The real potential for global escalation outside of the “boundaries” of this regional war is as high as they have ever been So What? Congress ( @SpeakerJohnson ) should immediately demand @POTUS address the nation either to a joint session of Congress or from the Oval Office. One way or the other, the American people deserve to hear from our President if there are any dangers presented to our safety and security here in our homeland and to better understand what vital national security interests are at stake here…ie., WTH are the United States overarching objectives? America is standing by for our representatives to act.
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