There are no Jews left in Yemen. The last member of that two-millennia-old community died this year. And they never looked like these Arab antisemites imagine them. Here's what modern Yemeni Jews actually looked like, if you're curious: But this petty antisemitism isn't what makes this video interesting. Here's what makes it interesting: The vast majority of Yemeni Jews alive today are Israelis -- over 80% of them, in fact, or well over 400,000 of us. The Yemeni Jewish story is old and immense and complex. It's an ancient community that preserved an old and rich Hebrew and distinct tradition of law and custom. And they were among the earliest Zionists, with waves of idealistic immigration that preceded most European immigration to the land. But their more recent story is also about the Arab world's collapse into hatred, extremism and incompetence. The hatred on display in this video is the same hatred that drove very nearly all the Jews of the Arab world to become Israelis, roughly doubling the present-day population of Israeli Jews. In other words, this hatred is one of our great advantages in the long-running war to destroy us. Keep the antisemitism coming, you idiots.
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