There is no one on earth who thinks that the slightest form of opposition to Israeli actions is antisemitism. It’s a strawman so stupid that it’s actually sad to see it advanced by someone who claims to be an academic. Ireland has officially asked to alter the legal definition of genocide in order to advance its claim of genocide. Ireland is going out of its way to ensure the Jewish state can’t defend itself against the assembled ranks of Middle Eastern political Islamism that openly and explicitly seek to destroy it. If Ireland was strong on Hamas and Iran, if Irish UNIFIL soldiers were just slightly less eager to protect Hezbollah at every turn, if we’d heard any voice out of Irish elites that was anything other than a questioning of our right to ever have established our state, this might have looked to us like an honest campaign by decent people, and not the spittle-flecked hatred of ideologues living out their self-aggrandizing moral narratives at our expense. None of that means Israel can act any way it wants in Gaza. It doesn’t mean Israel is beyond reproach. It does, however, mean that Ireland, wrapped in this fatuous haze of moral preening, is willfully choosing to side with actual genocidaires in its effort to paint us as them.
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