The NYT posted this heartbreaking photo of Almog Sarusi’s mother at her son’s funeral on the paper’s Instagram account today. Almog was one of six hostages Israel believed were alive—until the IDF found their bodies, shot days before by Hamas, in a tunnel after a year of captivity. This photo captures the unbearable pain of a mother who waited, hoped, and suffered through Hamas’s psychological warfare—only to lose her son. It doesn’t erase the pain in Gaza. The NYT has shared countless stories and images from Gaza. Yet the comments under this post are appalling. Is it really that hard to show compassion for a mother whose son was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered? Is her pain less worthy because she’s an Israeli Jew? Her grief deserves humanity, not excuses. Even the ‘Free Palestine’ crowd should afford to show a shred of decency. But they can’t.
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