How did Germany denazify after the Holocaust, and how can the same be done in Gaza? The Allies cantoned Nazi territory to oversee the denazification, disarmament, reconstruction, and stabilization of Germany and Austria. They arrested and removed Nazi powers from public office and cultural and economic life — including influential supporters of Nazism. They completely removed Nazism from German legislation and declared the party, its paramilitary organizations, and declared all Nazi offices illegal. They banned Nazi symbols and flags from public display and changed the names of every building, memorial, and street sign associated with the Nazis. They removed hateful ideology, racism, anti-Jewish, and fascist sentiments from German education, press, and religion. They set up finance and economic divisions to deconstruct Nazi financial institutions, block all Nazi financial holdings, and rebuild the economy. All of these divisions set up by the Allies effectively removed Nazis from mainstream society and secured a democratic and tolerant future for Germany. The same principles that worked to de-Nazify Germany can be applied to Gaza. Gaza’s civilians deserve the same opportunity to escape Hamas’ oppressive rule and Nazi-like ideology. With the support of a coalition of tolerant Arab nations and international partners, Hamas could be dismantled and Gazan society rebuilt to ensure a brighter, more stable future for generations to come.
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