First. Observe the antizionist Jew ("azzajew") literally was not Bat Mitzvah'd. Do you know how much of a low bar and bare minimum that is, especially at reform congregations? This is demonstrative evidence of how disengaged with Jewishness these azzajews are. Second. The Shahada is the Islamic profession of faith. What Jew would have a ceremony in "Shahada Square?" It's as ridiculous as having a bat mitzvah in "Jesus is my savior" square. The Shahada is as follows: "I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God." These token antizionist Jews cannot be called self-loathing, for they know so little of Jewishness that they do not know it well enough to loathe it. And also, it is tremendously bigoted how figures like Tlaib and Bush use a woman with no familiarity of her background as a Jewish mouthpiece for their preferred politics that run contrary to overwhelming Jewish opinion.
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