For a legal scholar you seem to be very flexible with actual legal matters and you do like to draw comparisons between not directly comparable things Crimea was annexed by Russia in a gross violation of Budapest memorandum form 1994 between Russia, Ukraine, USA, UK, Belarus and Kazakhstan, when Russia attacked its then ally Ukraine back in February 2014 without any casus belli Golan Heights were annexed by Israel in 1981 after Syria tried to attack and invade Israel twice in 1967 and 1973 and failed miserably. Plus prior to 1967 Syria used Golan Heights as an upper ground to shell entire northern Israel from Haifa to the Sea of Galilee with dozens of Israeli civilians being killed as a result You don’t get to create a casus belli, start a war, lose it and return to square one once again. That’s not how world and international law work So no, Crimea and Golan Heights are incomparable
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